Bulletin 12/27/15

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 12/27/15 Sunday Morning Sermon: “Revealing God Through Christ” 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Services Cancelled Due to Weather Concerns & Flooding

Bulletin 12/20/15

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 12/20/15 Sunday Morning Sermon: “Revealing God Through Christ” Colossians 1:15-17 (Bobby Hill) Sunday Evening Devotional: Psalm 67 (James Hamilton) Sunday Evening Adult Class: “Pray Without …

Bulletin 12/13/15

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 12/13/15 Sunday Morning Sermon: “Unexpected Greatness” Micah 5:2-5a (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Devotional: Psalm 66 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Adult Class: Budget Presentation (Bobby Hill)

Bulletin 12/6/15

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 12/6/15 Sunday Morning Sermon: “Unexpected Joy” Zephaniah 3:14-20 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Devotional: Psalm 65 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Adult Class: “A Study of Isaiah” …

Bulletin 11/22/15

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 11/22/15 Sunday Morning Sermon: “Unexpected Hope” Jeremiah 33:14-16 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Devotional: Psalm 63 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Adult Class: “Isaiah” (Benjamin Williams)

Winter Classes 2015-2016

Beginning December 2nd Sunday Morning Auditorium: “Life of Peter” (Bill Path) Young Adult Class: “Life of Peter” (Zac Tenison) Teens: “Life of Peter” (Jeff Bullinger) 4th-6th Grade: “Life of Peter” (Bobby Hill) …

Bulletin 11/15/15

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 11/15/15 Sunday Morning Sermon: “The King & His Kingdom” John 18:33-37 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Devotional: Psalm 62 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Adult Class: “Encouraged …

Wednesday Night Devotional Instructions

Below you can download the instructions from our training seminar on how to prepare and deliver a Wednesday night devotional. Please review the guidelines carefully if you wish to participate …

Bulletin 11/8/15

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 11/8/15 Sunday Morning Sermon: “True & Better: So Be Faithful” Hebrews 10:19-25 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Devotional: Psalm 61 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Adult Class: …