Bulletin 9/11/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 9/11/16 Morning Sermon: “To the Joyless” Luke 15:1-10 (Benjamin Williams) Sermon Series: Written in Red – Rebukes from the Savior Sunday Evening Psalm: Psalm 105 (Benjamin …

Bulletin 9/4/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 9/4/16 Sunday Morning Sermon: “The Power of Prayer” James 5:16 (Haden Brill) Sunday Evening Psalm: Psalm 104 (James Hamilton) Sunday Evening Adult Class: Presentation (Bobby Hill)

Bulletin 8/28/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 8/28/16 Sunday Morning Sermon: “To the Self-Centered” Luke 14:7-11 (Benjamin Williams) Sermon Series: Written in Red – Rebukes from the Savior Sunday Evening Psalm: Psalm 103 …

God Gives the Growth

Take a moment to joyfully thank God for what is happening at the Glenpool Church of Christ. The average attendance for the last four weeks of July was 206. That …

Bulletin 8/21/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 8/21/16 Sunday Morning Sermon: “To the Hypocrite” Luke 13:10-17 (Benjamin Williams) Sermon Series: Written in Red – Rebukes from the Savior Sunday Evening Psalm: Psalm 102 (Benjamin …

Bulletin 8/14/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 8/14/16 Sunday Morning Sermon: “The Cloud of Witnesses – Part 2” Hebrews 12:1-2 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Psalm: Psalm 101 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Adult Class: Special Presentation …

Fall 2016 Classes

Beginning September 4th Sunday Morning Auditorium: “Hebrews” (David Tenison) Fellowship Hall: “Introduction to Greek” (Nicholas White) * Young Adult Class: “Hebrews” (Benjamin Williams) Teens: “Hebrews” (Haden Brill) 4th-6th Grade: “Hebrews” (Thomas Hallsted) Children’s Program …

Bulletin 8/7/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 8/7/16 Sunday Morning Sermon: “The Cloud of Witnesses – Part 1” Hebrews 11:1-3 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Psalm: Psalm 100 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Adult Class: Apologetics …