Room at the Table: Welcoming Families with Special Needs
Preacher: Tim Pyles | Series: Special Needs
Most families with special needs children or adults are not in places of worship on Sundays. During the week, they deal with constant educational, medical, emotional, and financial struggles. Fearing that a visit to a church might prove to be just one more battleground fraught with stares, avoidance, and lack of understanding, they choose to stay home, deepening their isolation and intensifying their loneliness. There are many things that churches can do cultivate an environment and communicate a message that special needs families are welcome and can find a safe haven and a community of love, support, encouragement, and assistance.
Most families with special needs children or adults are not in places of worship on Sundays. During the week, they deal with constant educational, medical, emotional, and financial struggles. Fearing that a visit to a church might prove to be just one more battleground fraught with stares, avoidance, and lack of understanding, they choose to stay home, deepening their isolation and intensifying their loneliness. There are many things that churches can do cultivate an environment and communicate a message that special needs families are welcome and can find a safe haven and a community of love, support, encouragement, and assistance.