Bulletin 5/6/12

Download here or scroll down to read online: Download Link A Special Prison Ministry Contribution will be taken this Sunday morning. The collection plates will be passed a second time …

Bulletin 4/29/12

Download here or scroll down to read online: Download Link Remember that this is a Fifth Sunday, so … A Special Building Fund Contribution will be taken Sunday morning. The …

Bulletin 4/22/12

Download here or scroll down to read online: Download Link Bible class teachers: Remember our Teacher Appreciation Dinner this Sunday night after services. Why God Made Teachers When God created …

Bulletin 4/8/12

Download here or scroll down to read online: Download Link I’m actually preaching on the Passover and the Resurrection on Sunday in an attempt to take advantage of an opportunity …

Bulletin 4/1/12

Download here or scroll down to read online: Download Link The first quarter of the year 2012 is already over! Check out dates for activities and projects that we have …

Bulletin 3/25/12

Download here or scroll down to read online: Download Link It’s time for our Family Growth Seminar! Be sure to make plans to attend and invite others! You can read …

Bulletin 3/18/12

Download here or scroll down to read online: Download Link Invitation postcards and flyers are available in the foyer for our upcoming Family Growth Seminar. Be sure to make plans …

Bulletin 3/11/12

Download here or scroll down to read online: Download Link Invitation postcards and flyers are available in the foyer for our upcoming Family Growth Seminar. Be sure to make plans …

Bulletin 3/4/12

Download here or scroll down to read online: Download Link Time to get excited about the Bible Bowl! 1 Peter 4:1-5 (ESV) Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm …

Bulletin 2/26/12

Download here or scroll down to read online: Download Link Read ahead for the Sunday morning sermon! 2 Kings 6:1-17 (KJV) And the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha, …