Bulletin 08/13/2017

Download the Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 08-13-17 Morning Sermon: “The Still, Small Voice” I Kings 19:9-10 (Benjamin Williams) Afternoon Devotional: Proverbs 1:8-19

Bulletin 08/06/2017

Download the Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 08-06-17 Morning Sermon: “Victory In Jesus” Romans 8:1-2 (Larry Killebrew) Afternoon Devotional: Proverbs 1:1-7

Bulletin 07/30/17

Download the Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 07-30-17 Morning Sermon: “The Hidden Kingdom” Matthew 13:31-33, 44-46, 51-52 (Benjamin Williams) Afternoon Psalm: Psalm 150

Bulletin 07/23/17

Download the Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 07-23-17 Morning Sermon: “The Patient Kingdom” Matthew 13:24-30 (Benjamin Williams) Afternoon Psalm: Psalm 149

Bulletin 07/16/17

Download the Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 07-16-17 Morning Sermon: “The Planted Kingdom” – Matthew 13:1-9 (Benjamin Williams) Afternoon Psalm: Psalm 148

Bulletin 07/09/17

Download the Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 07-09-17 Morning Sermon: “The Troubled Life of Isaac” – Galatians 4:28-29 (Benjamin Williams) Afternoon Psalm: Psalm 147