Bulletin 2/26/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 2/26/17 Morning Sermon: “Eyewitnesses of His Majesty” 2 Peter 1:16-21 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 128 Sunday Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)

Bulletin 2/19/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 2/19/17 Morning Sermon: “Holy Church” 1 Corinthians 3:10-17 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 127 Sunday Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)

Bulletin 2/12/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 2/12/17 Morning Sermon: “God’s Church” 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 126 Sunday Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)

Bulletin 2/5/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 2/5/17 Morning Sermon: “Unnatural Church” 1 Corinthians 2:6-10 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 125 Sunday Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)

Bulletin 1/29/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 1/29/17 Morning Sermon: “Foolish Church” 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 (Benjamin Williams) Afternoon Psalm: Psalm 123 & 124   Fifth Sunday Schedule: Second Contribution Fellowship Meal Honoring New …

Bulletin 1/22/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 1/22/17 Morning Sermon: “Being the Body of Christ” (Guest Speaker, Eric Brandell) Evening Psalm: Psalm 122 Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)

Bulletin 1/15/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 1/15/17 Morning Sermon: “(Im)Perfect Church” 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 121 Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Singing (Auditorium)

Bulletin 1/1/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 1/1/17 Morning Sermon: “Seasons” Ecclesiastes 3:1-9 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 119 Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Prayer (Benjamin Williams)

Bulletin 12/25/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 12/25/16 Morning Sermon: “Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:2-7 (Benjamin Williams) Sermon Series: “The Peaceable Kingdom” No Morning Bible Classes or Evening Services

Bulletin 12/18/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 12/18/16 Morning Sermon: “Immanuel” Isaiah 7:10-14 (Benjamin Williams) Sermon Series: “The Peaceable Kingdom” Evening Psalm: Psalm 119 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Classes: “Evangelism” (Bruce Rothell) “Prayer” (Benjamin Williams)