Bulletin 5/15/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 5/15/16 Sunday Morning Sermon: “Reversing Babel” Acts 2:1-8 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Psalm: Psalm 88 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Sermon: A Study of Isaiah* (Benjamin Williams) …

Bulletin 5/8/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 5/8/16 Sunday Morning Sermon: “The Woman & The Lamb” Revelation 12:1-6 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Psalm: Psalm 87 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Sermon: A Study …

Bulletin 5/1/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 5/1/16 Sunday Morning Sermon: “The Temple Is the Lamb” Revelation 21:1-6 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Psalm: Psalm 86 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Sermon: A Study …

Suspicious Email

Our pulpit minister, Ben Williams, had his email hacked this week. If you received a suspicious email from him asking you to give your password in order to open a …

Bulletin 4/24/16

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 4/24/16 Sunday Morning Sermon: “Salvation Belongs to the Lamb” Revelation 7:9-17 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Psalm: Psalm 85 (Benjamin Williams) Sunday Evening Sermon: A Study …