Bulletin 3/19/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 3/19/17 Morning Sermon: “Moses: The History of Grace” Romans 5:6-11 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 131 Sunday Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)

Bulletin 3/12/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 3/12/17 Morning Sermon: “Abram: The History of Faith” Romans 4:1-5 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 130 Sunday Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)

Bulletin 3/5/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 3/5/17 Morning Sermon: “Adam: The History of Sin” Romans 5:12-19 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 129 Sunday Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)

Bulletin 2/26/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 2/26/17 Morning Sermon: “Eyewitnesses of His Majesty” 2 Peter 1:16-21 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 128 Sunday Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)

Bulletin 2/19/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 2/19/17 Morning Sermon: “Holy Church” 1 Corinthians 3:10-17 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 127 Sunday Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)

Spring 2017 Classes

Beginning March 1st* * Bobby’s Ephesians class from the Winter quarter is going to continue one additional week in March before the Auditorium class switches over to the Spring curriculum. …

Bulletin 2/12/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 2/12/17 Morning Sermon: “God’s Church” 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 126 Sunday Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)

Bulletin 2/5/17

Download the Bulletin here: Bulletin 2/5/17 Morning Sermon: “Unnatural Church” 1 Corinthians 2:6-10 (Benjamin Williams) Evening Psalm: Psalm 125 Sunday Evening Classes: Evangelism (Bruce Rothell) Gospel Stories (Benjamin Williams)