Bulletin 03/13/2022

Download the Sunday Bulletin here:Sunday Bulletin 03/13/2022 “The Lord of Provision” Scripture Reading: Genesis 22: 9-14 David Gray

Bulletin 03/06/2022

Download the Sunday Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 03/06/2022 “To Believe, or Not to Believe” Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 1: 3-9 David Gray

Bulletin 02/27/2022

Download the Sunday Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 02/27/2022 “Pray for Ukraine” Scripture Reading: Psalm 121 David Gray

Bulletin 02/20/2022

Download the Sunday Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 02/20/2022 “Moving Toward Perfection” Scripture Reading: Hebrews 5: 7-10 David Gray

Bulletin 02/13/2022

Download the Sunday Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 02/13/2022 “Rightly Responding to the Risen Lord” Scripture Reading: John 11: 21-27 David Gray

Bulletin 02/06/2022

Download the Sunday Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 02/06/2022 “He Has RISEN!” Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 16-20 David Gray

Bulletin 1/30/2022

Download the Sunday Bulletin here: Sunday Bulletin 1/30/2022 “The Paradox of Christ’s Crucifixion” Scripture Reading: Colossians 2: 13-15 David Gray