More information is available on these courses at New Life Behavior Ministries website.

The core curriculum for NewLife Behavior Ministries is a comprehensive study to understand ourselves and the importance of finding a relationship with God. We have researched and developed a core curriculum designed to help reconcile a person to God, family, and society. It was designed for people in all walks of life and has been well received by Christians and non-Christians alike. The greatest use of the courses has been in prisons, both incarcerated persons as well as their families.

Course Listing

Children's Edition - This course is designed for children of inmates

Course I: "A Sense of Self" - Helps build self esteem and self worth

Course II: "A Sense of Family" - Helps us become more understanding family members

Course III: "Parenting Matters" - Trains us to be better more prepared parents

Course IV: "True Freedom" - Shows the only true freedom is in Christ Jesus

Course V: "Christian Marriage Skills - Teaches us how to understand and treat our mates

Course VI: "The Christian Woman" - Tells us how to be women of God

Course VII: "Attitudes and Behaviors" - Helps develop and use better coping skills

Course VIII: "Christians against Substance Abuse" - A Bible based twelve step pro

Course X: "The Seeker Series" - A method of seeking Jesus and what it takes to become a Christian

Course XI: "Prisoners of Christ" - First teaches us how to use our time even when incarcerated then helps inmates prepare for their return to society

Course XII: "Managing Anger" - Lessons on how to control our anger